Products that increase strength in men - what should be in the diet?

Food quality affects men's well-being and strength. The introduction of suitable high quality products in the diet can significantly improve men's health and increase libido. There is no one-for-all diet for every man. It is worth considering the individual characteristics of the body, age, psycho-emotional state, the presence of chronic stress, physical activity. There are objective pathological causes that can cause potency disorders. If the cause of erectile dysfunction is a pathological condition, a change in diet is indicated during complex therapy.

Objective counseling that is suitable for all men is to monitor the daily diet, drinking schedule, physical activity and also eliminate the source of stress.

Which foods increase strength

The list of products that increase strength is extensive. When introducing a group into the diet, it is important to take into account food tolerance as well as a history of chronic diseases where this or that type of food may be contraindicated.

In order for the products to get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to use them stewed or baked. An excessive amount of fried food is contraindicated for men.

Men are advised to pay attention to such products:

  • whole grains, porridge: contains a large amount of fiber, rich in B vitamins, minerals and androstenone, which increases strength;
  • soy: beans contain phyto-analogues of hormones as well as flavonoids that prevent the development of prostate cancer and normalize cholesterol;
  • onions and garlic contain a large amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on strength and restore male hormone levels;
  • ginger tea - the drink contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, vitamin A and group B as well as anti-inflammatory substances that strengthen blood vessels, improve brain function and increase strength;
  • chicken, quail eggs - rich in choline, healthy fats necessary for the normal functioning of the hormonal system, as well as B-vitamins involved in the synthesis of male sex hormones, eliminate stress;
  • products of animal origin: the use of free-range and grass-fed poultry meat is recommended as well as a diet rabbit (red meat is consumed in limited quantities);
  • beekeeping products: moderate consumption of high quality natural honey increases strength, the body's immune status, improves men's overall well-being. For best results, honey can be combined with nuts, fresh or dried ginger, which helps increase the amount of male sex hormones;
  • fruit and vegetables.

It is also recommended to introduce fermented foods in the diet: cabbage, beets, pickled apples and cucumbers to restore intestinal microflora and increase strength.

The same product can have a diametrically opposite effect on any person's body. For this reason, the new food is carefully introduced in small portions and observes the reaction of the body. Do not use too much food. The meals must be varied and complete.

Sources of fiber

In every man's diet there should be a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, leafy vegetables. Useful components in fresh seasonal products not only increase strength, but also restore the gastrointestinal tract, improve bowel movements. Fruits contain enzymatic substances that increase libido, as well as minerals to increase energy, stamina and endurance.

Fruits and berries with rich bright colors are especially useful for men's health. For example, blueberries, mulberries and blueberries contain a record number of antioxidants. Fruits with bright orange color are rich in lutein - an indispensable substance for male strength and normal function of the visual organs, which is also involved in the production of male sex hormones.

For the prevention of prostatitis and increased libido, the use of fresh herbs is also recommended: basil, parsley, celery. Greens are rich in minerals and vitamins.

What are the benefits of nuts

Nuts contain fatty acids that are essential for the synthesis of male sex hormones. Men are advised to use:

  • fresh almonds;
  • hazelnuts;
  • Brazilian nuts;
  • walnuts that contain a lot of arginine - amino acids for men's health, strength and longevity.

Nuts can cause an allergic reaction, so eat them with extreme caution in limited amounts.

It is also useful for men to consume sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, sesame seeds. As an alternative to nuts, you can include enough prunes and sunflower seeds in your diet.

Fish and shellfish

Seafood contains a large amount of easily digestible protein and zinc, which are quickly ingested in the male body. Thanks to minerals, male sex hormones are produced. Oysters are rich in dopamine, a substance that rapidly increases libido.

Seafood can also cause allergic reactions. At the first symptoms of intolerance it is necessary to take an antihistamine and consult a doctor.

It is recommended to use seafood broth based on crayfish, oysters, shrimp with the addition of fresh fish caviar.

Mackerel and flounder - a fish that increases the strength of men

Products for the recovery of the psycho-emotional state

In most cases, problems with strength are caused by chronic stress, violation of the work and rest regime, neurosis. To restore the psychological state, it is recommended to include the following foods in the diet:

  • bitter, natural chocolate, which is a natural antidepressant and increases serotonin;
  • bananas - fruits are rich in magnesium and potassium, which are necessary to ensure nervous regulation, good, deep sleep, normal functioning of the reproductive system;
  • Brazil nuts - a natural source of selenium, which exhibits a pronounced sedative effect, participates in detoxification processes, is ingested in the male body as fast as zinc;
  • oily cold-water fish, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that help manage stress, have a beneficial effect on the vascular endothelium and prevent the development of erectile dysfunction.

Foods of animal origin rich in methionine and B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system, are also recommended.

What are the benefits of nitric oxide

Researchers have found that the high content of nitric oxide significantly increases strength and improves male health. The substance is found in hot chili peppers, beef, lamb, salmon, tuna, cheese, eggs and whole grains.

Foods rich in niacin (nicotinic acid) are also indicated for the formation of enzymes and the restoration of redox reactions. To rebuild it is recommended the use of sorrel, sage, mint, clover, parsley, nettle, horseradish, ginseng and alfalfa.

What to eat for testosterone synthesis

Zinc is a key element in the synthesis of the male sex hormone testosterone. This element has a beneficial effect on the state of potency, it is necessary for the normal function of the thyroid gland, which is also involved in the production of hormones. To maintain optimal zinc levels, the following is recommended:

  • fresh oysters and shellfish;
  • algae;
  • chicken livers;
  • soft cheeses;
  • pine nuts;
  • fatty broth.

Zinc is consumed rapidly during hypothermia: peripheral vascular spasm occurs and the mineral leaves the body along with urine. If a man is constantly freezing, the immunity that occurs erectile dysfunction decreases.

Products that strengthen blood vessels

Erectile dysfunction is often caused by cardiovascular disease. An erection occurs in response to a complex cascade of vascular responses to signals from the central nervous system. To strengthen blood vessels, it is recommended to use:

  • Fruits and berries, which contain a large amount of bioflavonoids (vitamin K, rutin) as well as vitamin C. These substances improve each other's effectiveness. To strengthen the vessel wall is recommended the use of cherries, blueberries, strawberries, sweet cherries.
  • Avocados rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, copper, iron. Such drugs have a beneficial effect on the process of blood formation and also restore the vascular walls.

Consumption of wild-caught cold-water fish, citrus fruits, pomegranates and fresh strawberries is also recommended.

For a general strengthening effect and increasing strength, the use of ginseng, garlic and natural honey is useful.

If the correction of the diet does not lead to the elimination of problems with potency, it is recommended to refrain from self-medication and seek the advice of a urologist. The specialist will prescribe a comprehensive examination and select the appropriate treatment.

In addition to correcting the diet, it is important to give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol as well as observing the work and rest system, sleeping and drinking enough plain water. Moderate physical activity allows you to increase and maintain optimal testosterone levels, improving physical and psycho-emotional state.